Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Festering Vomit of Hippos

There's something abut having a first blog post that makes it special. Something about it that makes it almost mandatory that the title be simply "First Blog Post"or something similar to that. However, I feel that "Festering Vomit of Hippos" is much more fitting for a title than what's commonly accepted.

There's nothing much to say about this 'first post' other than it is to simply introduce whoever will read this in the near future that this was indeed my very first post. How exciting indeed.

So now, the reason for the blog. Because ranting is fun. There, it's as simple as that. I like to rant about random things, whether they be unjust, true, weird, exciting or just simply there. I like to rant, rave, ramble and grumble a bit here and there. So there you have it. A simple, happy 'first post' blog which will probably lead to more stuff later.